Commission Artist

As a commission artist, I pride myself on being easy to work with and available for whatever my clients may need! In my personal art, I love to explore my OCs and their stories.
My specialties include character references, fashion/outfit design, and character exploration. My focus above all is creating something fun and beautiful to look at!

New YCHs are not currently being created. Commissions still available. Contact [email protected] or check Artconomy!


Everyone loves a throwback, so here's a collection of some of my earlier work!

Artist, Satanist, Warrior of Light
He/Him | Trans
Queer as hell, Born '91
Drawing on the internet since 2011

About Me

I'm an artist who primarily focuses on drawing hotties, and I don't really restrict myself to any one kind of subject; as long as it's pretty (or I can make it pretty) then I'm game to draw! Most of my clients bring me hot ladies, so that's a large body of what you'll see in my work. My specialties include character design and exploration, meaning I love to do ref sheets, wardrobe designs, and YCHs that I can customize for each character. These days, I also try to make sure that I'm including any of my favorite themes in anything I do: sex, fashion, spiritualism, and/or nature.I mostly do commissions, both custom and YCHs. I've tried my hand at doing comics, animations, and various other projects in the past to varying degrees of success but these days I like to focus on making sure I'm enjoying my art more than I'm trying to people-please with it, so any free time outside of commissions goes to working on personal art of my OCs or things of that nature. I've been making more of an effort to bring my personal interests into the fold more often too, which means pulling on my religion, my love of nature, and my desire to make people's OCs look hot. It's a charmed life!

I'm Great - Here's Why

I have a lot of pride in what I do and it shows, which makes sense. I love my job! There's no comparable feeling like coming back from a break and giving yourself a jumpscare with all the porn you've pulled up on your monitors that you forgot about because you were searching for references. There's no greater pride than having someone tell you "I'm not normally into this, but-".As a creative, I have amazing storytelling skills. I like to focus on the backstory of every individual character I draw and incorporate quirks that make them feel unique and individual, rather than just another design on the internet. Okay, this character is insecure so they have a tendency to play with their bowtie. This one is confident and expresses herself more with her wings than anything else. Things like body language and backstory matter, even in porn, and I excel at bridging the gap between the two, making everything feel like it's not just something you could see anywhere- it's unique. It's yours.I also have a strong aesthetic direction; I like bright colors, fun characters, and beautiful pieces that can make you stop and really want to take them in. I like to utilize textures and gradients more than anything else in the world, and I use more layers than anyone really should in order to achieve that just right level of saturation. I want my work to be bold, bright, and beautiful! And that desire to create bright beauty has made my work highly recognizable. You can tell at a glance who did it!I have superb customer service skills as well. I've worked exceedingly hard to build up my reputation as someone who is reliable and versatile. I have a good turnover and keep myself in contact with my clients constantly so nobody ever wonders where their art is or why they haven't seen updates. I always make sure I understand what my clients want or need, and I go above and beyond to make sure the experience is positive for both parties. In cases where my clients may not know what they want, I'm more than happy to help them brainstorm or come up with something that I know they'll like. Commissioning an artist shouldn't be stressful. I want to be here, and I want to see your idea come to life!


I actually started my art career back in 2011 thanks to an ex-boyfriend. He had a kink and I had the ability to draw, and I wanted him to like me so I started drawing what he liked! Eventually he encouraged me to start posting it online, so I chose the name HungrySuccubus for myself as a play on the vore content the boyfriend liked and because a friend of mine's username was TheManlySuccubus.Sure enough, the content was niche enough that I gained a handful of followers for it. I was fresh out of trade school and working at a truck stop at the time, but I used to rush home to draw every day after, because for other people to say they liked what I drew was a huge deal for me! I didn't grow up with a lot of support for my art from family or friends (anyone else get in trouble for drawing during class? haha oops), so it was weirdly validating to have strangers on the internet tell me their horny thoughts about what I drew. I kept at it and even though I wasn't the best, I wanted to make other people (and my boyfriend) happy.Someone back on DeviantArt approached me asking if I did commissions after a few months of sharing my work, and I actually had to google what that meant because I had never heard of it! After frantic digging and helpful advice from a roommate, I agreed to do a sketch for the person for $20! It was not very good but I was so immensely proud that I had actually drawn someone's attention to the point where they wanted to pay me to draw for them. Suck it, everyone who ever doubted me!After about a year of taking commissions every now and then and gaining a bit more of a reputation for being an available artist, I realized that I was making enough money from art each month to actually support myself. This was, of course, back in the day where I didn't have a car, my rent was low, and I could survive off of $400/mo and foodstamps. Very glamorous, I know! Regardless, I took a look at my budgeting and realized that I could either keep going to work at a truck stop, or I could keep my costs of living low and continue drawing without pants on for the forseeable future. Obviously, no pants won, and after triple-checking to make sure I was capable of covering my living expenses with what I was already making, I quit my job. I had no idea how to be a freelancer, but I knew that I had a stylus and people that wanted my work, so I threw myself into it and hoped for the best!Years passed and I broke up with the boyfriend, but I kept drawing because I had found a love for what I did and a pride in what I was able to do for myself through it. My career has carried me through two abusive relationships, homelessness, a lifelong struggle with depression, figuring out my identity as a trans gay man, and the death threats that come with the territory of presenting as a woman on the internet in porn circles for so long. It's not a career I would have chosen had you written all of it out on paper, but I couldn't be more grateful for where I've been and where it's gotten me. I owe a lot, both to my clients and myself, for keeping me focused and determined to keep my head above water.Recently I've gone through a lot and gotten into therapy, and through that I realized that from the moment I started sharing my work online, I've been doing my job with other people in mind, even down to having chosen a username that I had hoped my friend would find funny. It was a shocker for me to see that 12 years of history was done in the name of other people, and I couldn't find my own voice anywhere in it, no matter how long I looked! It didn't sit right with me, and I felt that itchiness under my skin that told me if something didn't change, I wouldn't be able to keep going. I decided to change my username, with the determination to start creating content for myself instead of for someone else. Along with that change has come a lot of personal empowerment; I don't feel tied to the history of my old username, I'm not afraid of being mistaken for a girl anymore, I don't have to be afraid that I'm not living up to anyone's expectations. I'm starting fresh, and I'm doing it for me this time. Here's to the future, and a new body of work that can speak to who I am as a person!That was a lot to read so if you've made it this far, kudos! Here is some terrible art as a reward!

Roselyn "Rosie"

"Hey ;)"Formerly a succubus in Hell, Rosie spent her entirety of existence feeling that special kind of ennui that only comes from knowing you exist in a society that sees you as another cog in a machine but knowing you have no better alternatives and trying to make peace with that every day by killing yourself and your emotions to the best of your ability. Never having been one to conform at her core, Rosie developed a bad habit of answering summoning rituals that were generally considered off-limits to other demons. Y'know, the kind that were "beneath" their attentions.That's how she met Iris, over a sloppy ritual where she was informed beforehand that the end result of the summoning would not be as cut-and-dry as someone needing to get off. Thankfully, the higher-ups were right, and when Rosie finally entered Iris' world, she was fascinated by this woman. Here she was, living her life in a body that she couldn't change, desperate to feel anything that would make her feel like herself for once in her life. Rosie knew full well that the only way to change the body of a human involved a ritual to take them into her body like a mother would a child, and that it would leave her vulnerable to execution, attack, or worse, and would require her to give up a piece of her very soul essence in order to accomplish the change. She chose to "haunt" Iris for a time while she weighed her options, deciding if this was worth the trouble.During this period, Rosie felt miserable for the way Iris' life was lead. She began to feel a need to make Iris smile; in her eyes, it was wrong that someone with so kind a heart could go her whole life being unseen and disrespected by the people around her. After two weeks of what amounted to Rosie fucking with Iris at every opportunity, Rosie agreed to perform the ritual with Iris.After 9 grueling months of hiding, feeding off of energy that would make another demon turn up their nose, and feeling the change of life inside her, Rosie gave birth to Iris and realized that, for the first time in her existence, she gave a shit about something and was no longer willing to let it go.For her part, Rosie guides herself and Iris through the realms as they chase new and exciting experiences together. She considers herself Iris' adoptive mother. She sees Iris as someone under her care, someone she loves, and someone who is her responsibility insofar as she needs to insure Iris' future and security.

Any Pronouns
(Dependent on presentation)
Full-time Mom


"Please... I just want to be like you."Iris is a trans woman who lived the entirety of her life feeling like she was someone other than herself. She struggled with depression and suicidal ideation, and had no support system or family she could turn to. This kind of stress took its toll and Iris' mental health went as far south as it possibly could. On a chance encounter, she found a book in a used bookstore when she was 21 that detailed the ritual involved in summoning a succubus. Her first thoughts were that if anyone could make her love the body she was in, then it would be a demon of lust incarnate.When Rosie appeared out of the portal, Iris was struck at her beauty. She couldn't believe her luck, that a woman like this was now offering her "anything her slutty little heart desires." Iris attempted to articulate what she wanted but the more she tried to explain and the more she sat and talked with this demon, the more she realized that it wasn't that she wanted to love herself like Rosie did, she wanted to be Rosie.Rosie, for her part, agreed to consider Iris' request, but without having fulfilled her part of the summoning arrangement, Rosie was stuck in between worlds, haunting Iris as she went about her day, unseen by anyone but her. It took nearly two weeks of this before Iris finally got her answer: Yes.Through a decadent ritual involving Rosie sharing a portion of her soul with Iris, Iris was taken into Rosie's body and carried as a child for 9 months before being rebirthed anew. Iris' body had completely changed upon her second birth. Although she was born as a fully-adult humanoid, she was changed completely, now blessed with an AFAB body as well as purple hair, wings, and a tail. She had also, unfortunately, lost all her memories of her human life, though Rosie informed her that she wasn't missing much.Iris, now knowing no other life than the one that she lives currently, is a boisterous and oftentimes over-exuberant individual who chases pleasure and new experience like a dog chases a rabbit. Her body is sensitive and her brain is empty, and to her there is no taboo too great to not try at least once if there's a chance it'll get her off.Despite knowing to the contrary, Iris considers Rosie her mother and has a very romantic sexual relationship with her. The two of them support and uplift each other and travel between realms and meet new people together, and Iris, to her knowledge, has never been happier.



Aura is a hermit who lives in a chapel deep in a forest, where he lovingly tends to an expansive flower garden, tends the graves whose names have long since worn away from their headstones, and slowly restores the church. Somehow, he gained a reputation for being a man of comfort, as travelers often find their way to his church to spend time in the quiet hall and seek guidance or solace from Aura. While not technically a priest, Aura has an air about him that invites individuals to open up and express their fears and concerns, and a kind heart that makes him inclined to offer whatever they might need.While Aura's appearance is visually that of a Galarian Rapidash, this isn't really relevant to him or his lore! He's just pretty :>

Chapel Caretaker, Gardener, Priest


-Work in progress, coming soon :)-

Sentient Honey
Just kinda faffs about


-Work in progress, coming soon :)-


YCH Gallery

YCHs ("Your Character Here") are pre-made sketches that are available to be finished with your characters for the shown price! Backgrounds are included where applicable, and outfits are adjusted to fit your character.All of these YCHs can be ordered from my Artconomy page!

New This Month

Full Gallery

All my YCHs are very customizable, so if there's something you like but it's not quite right for what you had in mind, reach out to me and let me know what you'd need changed; we can probably make it work!
More YCHs are added every few weeks! :)

Finished Examples


Custom Work

Custom Commissions are personalized artwork that I create to fulfill whatever fantasy you might be in the mood for! I specialize in full scenes and ref sheets, so if you're in the roleplay scene (or just want cool art of your character) then this is the option for you! I provide excellent customer service and make sure you're 100% in the loop every step of the way for the entire process. You can check your place on my schedule in the Workboard tab!There are several commission types under the "Custom" umbrella for me, so if there's something you'd like to see that isn't listed here, there's no harm in asking me!All of these commission types can be ordered from my Artconomy page!

Ref Sheets

If you ever plan on ordering more art of your character at any point in the future, invest in a good ref sheet now. You get a gorgeous showcase of your character, and you get to couple it with your future artists thanking you profusely for saving them time and energy in trying to learn your character's design. It's a win-win!

  • Pose, layout, and background will all be unique to your ref sheet

  • Text descriptions are OK when ordering, but may incur design assist fees

  • Prices may vary by complexity. If you're unsure, ask!

  • You can use a base you order for a Wardrobe for a full ref sheet, and vice versa!


PreferredI love exploring character fashion; there's so much someone can say through their clothes! This is the best option to really get a feel for what your character looks like and how they feel in their day-to-day life.

  • Pose and background will all be unique to your character

  • Visual references required for these.

  • Prices may vary by complexity. If you're unsure, ask!

  • You can use a base you order for a Ref Sheet as a Wardrobe, and vice versa!

Custom Orders

The best option if you've got something very specific in mind and want to see it turn out just right. Please keep the following in mind:

  • Visual references for all characters are required

  • Standard ToS applies

  • I work best with 60% or more artistic freedom!

Many of these images have my old HungrySuccubus SubscribeStar url on them. I'm the same artist, I just have a new name!


A list of my current clients and the progress on their commissions!
Note: Warmup sales are not displayed here, as the turnover for them is so quick (1-7 days)

NeomaRef SheetSketch OFRSep2024
StalwartWorldsFull IlluSketchNov2024
KaoruRef sheetPaidNov2024
TzelleCustom orderPaidNov2024
KaoruCustom orderPaidNov2024
Truemac4x StickersPaidOct24
HedoroRef sheet editsUnpaidNov2024
Truemac20x StickerPaidNov2024
Nell1x StickerPaidOct2024

If you do not see your name and feel this is a mistake, please tell me immediately!

Terms of Service

Last Updated 09/04/2024By commissioning me, you agree that you are at least 18 years of age and are legally responsible for yourself. Failure to comply with this will result in immediate termination of your commission and will have your name blacklisted, meaning that you will no longer be eligible to be a customer of mine for any sort of content, now or in the future. Violating these terms will not result in a refund. Ensuring that you are aware of everything in these terms is your responsibility, not mine.


I reserve the right to refuse to accept or complete a commission based on my discretion, for reasons including but not limited to harassment, disrespect, illegal activities, unprofessional conduct, or general abuse on the part of the commissioner. Under these circumstances, if you have already paid, you will receive a partial refund based on any work I have completed, not exceeding 80% of your paid amount.I do not work with racists, xenophobes, transphobes, alt-right nazis, pedophiles, bigots, or any other unsavory persons following these rules of thought. If I find out you harbor any of these ideals, I will immediately block you, blacklist you, and cancel your commission should you have one in progress. Under these circumstances, you are ineligible for a refund and can very kindly fuck off.When ordering a sketch of any kind, I may adapt the sketch to be used as a YCH at a later date. You will be credited as the original creator of the pose on the final listing if this happens.When ordering a custom commission, if you have ordered a background, I will likely re-use the background in the future.I do not claim any copyright over your characters and will not re-use them in any way.


Orders are officially opened at the beginning of each month. I will announce how many slots I have for both YCHs and Custom work on my designated social sites (BSky, Discord, etc). Slots remain open until they're filled, at which point they will re-open in the following month.

  • Wait for announcements or check my Artconomy page for openings

  • Fill out the appropriate form for what you want to order.

  • Forms will be addressed within 7 days.

  • Payment is required in full upfront. Your invoice will be sent out once I contact you to confirm; pay it promptly. Payments not processed within 7 days will have your commission cancelled and your slot will be lost.

  • You will be placed on my Workboard once your payment is confirmed.

  • When it's your turn, I will send you a sketch to review. Orders are normally done within a few weeks after receiving your sketch. Keep an eye on the Workboard!

(a NSFW Patreon alternative)
My SubscribeStar operates off of a "save as you sub" model.
By subscribing to a Summoner tier, you'll save up your monthly subscription and use it to order commissions at a later date. It's basically a pay-over-time model, which is great for larger commissions such as custom orders with multiple characters or complex backgrounds!
Subscribers also receive a significant discount when ordering anything, and that's on top of the money you already save up as a Summoner.
If you're looking to become a regular or repeat client, I can't recommend it enough!SubscribeStar

Once the commission has been completed, I will upload the commission to Artconomy. You can approve it there, and then we’re good to go! Once you have your commission, you’re free to share it wherever and whenever you like.
If you ordered and paid via an alternative to Artconomy, you will have your piece delivered directly to you via Discord.
If there is a mistake in your commission:

  • and it was my fault: I will fix it free of charge

  • and it was due to miscommunication, unclear direction, omitted information, or just something you want changed: I will charge you $35 for each significant change (changes that take me more than 10 minutes to fix)


You will only be scheduled in my queue once your invoice has been paid.
Your turnaround should be no greater than 6 months. The average is 2-3 months. You can keep an eye on where you are in my queue and what your estimated completion month is by using the link below.


YCH content is very straightforward, and can be edited to what you'd like it to be. I'm very flexible; consider the YCHs I have posted to be bases that you can then customize to your liking.
YCH Gallery
If you do not find a YCH you like, feel free to make suggestions on the type of content you'd like to see! I love new concepts and playing around with new ways to be horny, so if you want me to explore something, just drop me a line. I'll see what I can do!
Note: this does not guarantee that I will make something just for you, it just means that I will consider the request.
CUSTOM WORKI work best with 60% or more artistic freedom. If you are not willing to let go of the reins to some degree, then I am not the artist for you!
Pregnancy/impregnation,vore, scat, watersports, underage/shota/loli, racism, anything involving hate speech, or animal abuse.
Likes and preferences are always in flux, since as mostly humans we are all evolving every day. This list may change! However, I reserve the right to say “No” at any time to any content not listed here that I am not comfortable drawing.


If it has been 6 months after you have paid your invoice and you would like a refund, contact me privately. I will refund your paid amount minus transaction fees and/or any work I have already started, no questions asked.


You, the commissioner, retain copyright to any original character you ask me to depict. Any additional characters that are not yours belong to their original owners. You may NOT make prints to sell for profit. You MAY upload the image to your personal gallery as long as proper credit and links are given.
I, the artist, retain copyright to the PIECE OR PIECES I DREW containing your character. I may use the image for advertisement purposes. I may sell copies of the finished images in digital art packs. I may post the image anywhere I see fit, or not post it at all. I may utilize the commissions I create for you as inspiration for new YCHs, and I may re-use any complex backgrounds that I create during the course of your commission. I DO NOT own your character and WILL NOT use your character for anything that is unrelated to the commission itself, unless explicit permission is given.
You MAY edit the image for use as an icon, banner, or other personal and private uses.
You MAY NOT alter the image in any additional way without my permission. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Adding your copyright info for the character directly onto the image, unless credit for the work is given to me in the same place (also on the image)

  • Cropping or erasing out my signature, logo, and/or watermarks

  • Coloring or paying another artist to color in my lineart/finish a sketch/etc.

I do not give my permission for any unsolicited edits done on any of my work.

Subscriber Banks

SubscribeStar Summoner banks, all in one spot! This is a secret page just for you guys <3
All bank totals are added to at the 1st of the month, and are adjusted when a change is made. If you feel there has been a mistake with your bank total, please tell me as soon as possible!
Names are in alphabetical order, but for ease of navigation, I recommend ctrl+F!


UsernameTotalLast Updated


UsernameTotalLast Updated


UsernameTotalLast Updated


UsernameTotalLast Updated


All notes should be up to date, but I'm the only one that's gonna see this so hang in there bestie!!You're doing so great, I'm so proud of you. Your eyeliner is so kickass.

Raffle winners

June 24Hedoro
Apr 24userpay
Mar 24Truemac
Feb 24Neoma_Ireto
Jan 24Gav/Solidscale
Dec 23Mama Mami
Nov 23F'ia/Saironthis/Thatonedude
June 23Takan Twins
May 23Hedoro

Totals changes

UsernameChangeForDate on
Tzelle-$150Custom comm order09/24/24
Slayslash-$300Custom comm order09/19/24
Neoma-$505Ref Sheet comm08/28/24
Truemac-$431Custom comm08/20/24
Truemac-$244Wardrobe comm8/16/24
Rakun-$65deleted sub08/16/24
Taigaclaws-625Deleted sub08/16/24
Ashgar-$165Ordered tarot sketch07/23/2024
HackleSerpent-$430Deleted Pledge07/05/24
RareRuiz-$200Tarot pull06/25/24
RareRuiz+$207Reinstated pledge06/25/24
Tzelle-$150Dress comm orders06/24/24
Hedoro+$150Raffle add-in06/18/24
Truemac-$125YCH Whoopsie06/07/24
Truemac-$150YCH Poppin'06/07/24
RareRuiz-$207Cancelled sub - 2506/03/24
parentalcontrol97-$27Cancelled sub - 2506/03/24
Lagos-$350YCH Fated Cards05/29/24
Beelze-$1375Cancelled sub - 10005/22/24
Truemac+$200Changed to 250 tier05/20/24
Ashgar-$350YCH Fated Cards05/17/24
HackleSerpent-$350YCH Fated Cards05/16/24
HackleSerpent-$180YCH Hot Librarian05/13/24
Beelze-$125YCH To the side05/06/24